Teaching Materials


These materials are to support taught courses that I am involved with. A couple aren't written by me. Not all are available - usually the current semester's will be blanked out. Paper copies should be available from the cabinet by the E&CE general office. For the e-Commerce Workshop (EG1042B), Powerpoint slides from the lectures will be available to Brunel staff and students via the K: drive, in ee/EG1042B.

Teaching Material

HTML (EG1042B) and style sheets
Basic HTML = NCSA Primer; HTML2; HTML3; HTML4; HTML5; HTML6 (Style Sheets)
Dreamweaver (EG1002S 2002-2003)
Dreamweaver Intro; Site Structures
OO Scripting (EG1002S)
The JavaScript Experiment; JavaScript II; JavaScript and the Pit, JavaScript the Remake
OO Scripting and Object Models (EE2260S 2004-2005)
JavaScript:Redux(Q); Windows Script Host(Q); JavaServer Pages(Q); Java [0]
Image Manipulation (EG1042B)
Digital Image Manipulation; Images for the Web
Computing and Internet Technologies (EG1042B)
Internet Technologies; Creating and Manipulating Files / Command-Line Interfaces; Intro to Unix; Unix and Scripting; CGI
Console Apps in C++ Builder - intro


Why aren't current lab sheets available electronically?
A couple of reasons - first, it's to stress that these are lab based courses, so you should make the effort to attend...
Yeah, but if we could download the sheets we could just cut and paste the code, and not waste all that time typing.
... and the other is that learning how to track down and correct the mistakes that you will make in your code is an important part of these courses.

Henry Nebrensky
J Nebrensky @ brunel.ac.uk
Last modified: Friday, 09-Dec-2005 04:25:26 GMT


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