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Ikejiaku, B. and Mordi, C. (2010) 'Weak Business Investment Climate, Poor Economic Growth and Africa's Poor Socio-Economic Development'. Journal of Sustainable Development of Africa, 12 (1). pp. 106 - 123. ISSN: 1520-5509

Journal article

Okafor, C. and Mordi, C. (2010) 'Women entrepreneurship development in Nigeria: the effect of environmental factors'. Bulletin: Economic Sciences Series, LXII (4). pp. 43 - 52.

Journal article

Anderson, N. and Costa, AC. (2010) 'Innovation and knowledge management: The constant idyll of change', in Anderson, N. and Costa, AC. (eds.) Major Works: Innovation and knowledge management. Sage Publications Ltd. pp. xxi - xli. ISBN 10: 1848606664. ISBN 13: 9781848606661.

Book chapter

Anderson, N. and Costa, AC. (2010) 'Major Works: Innovation and knowledge management'. London: Sage Publications Ltd. ISSN 10: 1848606664 ISSN 13: 9781848606661


Valsecchi, R., Mueller, F., Smith, C. and Wise, S. (2010) 'The discourse and practice of teamwork in health industry call centres in the UK'.EURAM 2010. Rome. 19 - 22 May.

Conference paper

Hajro, A. and Pudelko, M. (2010) 'The impact of national culture on interactions in multinational teams'.European Academy of Management 10th Annual Conference. Rome. 19 - 22 May. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Smith, SL. and Darlington, K. (2010) 'Emotional ecologies as brands: Towards a theory of occasioned local feelings'. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 6 (2). pp. 112 - 123. ISSN: 1751-8040

Journal article

McCarthy, J., Truxillo, D., Bauer, T., Konig, C. and Anderson, N. (2010) 'An applicant reactions research incubator: Expanding the cross-cultural frontier'.25th Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology Conference. Atlanta. 7 - 10 April. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Inc.

Conference paper

Lewis, P. and Simpson, R. (2010) 'Revealing and concealing gender'. Palgrave MacMillan. ISSN 10: 0230212115 ISSN 13: 9780230212114


Hajro, A. and Pudelko, M. (2010) 'Kulturübergreifende interaktionen in multinationalen teams: eine fallstudie'.Jahrestagung 2010 der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Internationales Management im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, ESCP Europe. Berlin. 19 - 20 February. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Simpson, R., Sturges, J. and Weight, P. (2010) 'Transient, unsettling and creative space: Experiences of liminality through the accounts of Chinese students on a UK-based MBA'. Management Learning, 41 (1). pp. 53 - 70. ISSN: 1350-5076 Open Access Link

Journal article

Costa, AC. and Anderson, NA. (2010) 'Dynamics of trust and monitoring: Implications for innovative behavior and team climate'.5th Workshop on Trust Within and Between Organizations. Madrid, Spain. 28 - 29 January. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Valsecchi, R. (2010) 'L'intoduction du telletravail dans un centre d'appel italien: une discussion au sujet des techniques de controle'. Sociologie du Travail. pp. 27 - 28. ISSN: 0038-0296

Journal article

Smith, S. (2010) 'Naïve expertise: spacious alternative to the Standard Account of Method'. Philosophy of Management, 9 (3). pp. 95 - 133. ISSN: 1740-3812

Journal article

Anderson, NR. and Costa, AC. (2010) 'Innovation and Knowledge Management: The Constant Idyll of Change', in Anderson, NR. and Costa, AC. (eds.) Major works in innovation and knowledge management. Sage. pp. xxiii - xli.

Book chapter

Bijlsma-Frankema, K. and Costa, AC. (2010) 'Consequences and antecedents of managerial and employee legitimacy interpretations of control: a natural open system approach', in Sitkin, SB., Cardinal, LB. and Bijlsma-Frankema, K. (eds.) Control in Organizations: New Directions in Theory and Research. Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press. pp. 396 - 433.

Book chapter

Ituma, A., Simpson, R., Ovadje, F., Mordi, C. and Cornelius, N. (2010) 'Notions of career success in a non western context: the case of Nigeria'. International Jounal of Human Resource Managment, forthcoming.

Journal article

Simpson, R., Lewis, P. and Ross-smith, A. (2010) 'Merit, special contribution and choice: how women negotiate between sameness and difference in their organizational lives'. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 25 (3). pp. 198 - 207. ISSN: 1754-2413

Journal article

Smith, SL. (2010) 'The Future of Feelings Virtual and Visceral: News from Practitioners'. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 3 (3). pp. 187 - 189. ISSN: 1740-8938

Journal article

Costa, AC. and Anderson, N. (2010) 'Dynamics of trust and monitoring: Implications for innovative behavior and team climate'.the Fifth Workshop on Trust Within and Between Organizations. Madrid, Spain. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Lewis, P. and Simpson, RC. (2010) 'Meritocracy, Difference and Choice: Women’s Experience of Advantage and Disadvantage at Work'. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 3. pp. 165 - 170. ISSN: 1754-2413

Journal article

Simpson, R., Ross-Smith, A. and Lewis, P. (2010) 'Merit, special contribution and choice: How women negotiate between sameness and difference in their organizational lives'. Gender in Management, 25 (3). pp. 198 - 207. ISSN: 1754-2413

Journal article

Hulsheger, UR. and Anderson, N. (2009) 'Applicant perspectives in selection: Going beyond preference reactions'. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 17 (4). pp. 335 - 345. ISSN: 0965-075X

Journal article

Kehoe, JF., Mol, ST. and Anderson, NR. (2009) 'Managing sustainable selection programs', in Farr, JL. and Tippins, NT. (eds.) Handbook of Employee Selection. Psychology Pr. pp. 213 - 234. ISBN 10: 0805864377. ISBN 13: 9780805864373.

Book chapter

Hajro, A. and Pudelko, M. (2009) 'The interplay between multinational teams, national culture and corporate culture'.7th EIASM Workshop on International Strategy and Cross-Cultural Management. Helsinki, Finland. 25 - 26 September. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Ituma, A., Simpson, R., Ovadje, F., Mordi, C. and Cornelius, N. (2009) 'Notions of career success in a non-westerncontext: the case of Nigeria'.British Academy of Management Conference. UK. 15 - 17 September.

Conference paper

Mordi, C. (2009) 'Notions of career success in a non-westerncontext: the case of Nigeria'.British Academy of Management Conference. UK.

Conference paper

Bledow, R., Frese, M., Anderson, N., Erez, M. and Farr, J. (2009) 'A dialectic perspective on innovation: Conflicting demands, multiple pathways, and ambidexterity'. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 2 (3). pp. 305 - 337. ISSN: 1754-9426

Journal article

Hulsheger, U., Anderson, NR. and Salgado, J. (2009) 'Team-level predictors of innovation at work: a comprehensive meta-analysis spanning three decades of research'. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94 (5). pp. 1128 - 1145. ISSN: 0021-9010

Journal article

Mandal, A. and Hajro, A. (2009) 'Resistance in the process of cultural assimilation: A theoretical exploration'.2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM 2009). Chicago. 6 - 8 August. Academy of Management.

Conference paper

Singh, S., Mordi, C., Simpson, R. and Okafor, C. (2009) 'Challenges in female entrepreneur development'.EDGE Conference. Singapore Management University. 8 - 10 July. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Mandal, A. and Hajro, A. (2009) 'Integration in cross-border mergers and acquisitions'.27th International System Dynamics Conference. New Mexico. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Hajro, A. and Pudelko, M. (2009) 'The influence of organizational culture on multinational teams'.51st Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business 2009. San Diego, USA. 27 - 30 June. Academy of International Business. pp. 139 - 140.

Conference paper

Smith, SL. (2009) 'Emotional labor and the pursuit of happiness', in Schnall, PL., Dobson, M. and Rosskam, E. (eds.) Unhealthy Work. Baywood Pub Co. pp. 299 - 312. ISBN 10: 0895033356. ISBN 13: 9780895033352.

Book chapter

Costa, AC., Bijlsma-Frankema, K. and De Jong, B. (2009) 'The role of social capital on trust development and dynamics: Implications for cooperation, monitoring and team performance'. Social Science Information, 48 (2). pp. 199 - 228. ISSN: 0539-0184

Journal article

Costa, AC. and Peiró, JM. (2009) 'Trust and social capital in teams and organizations – antecedents, dynamics, benefits and limitations: An introduction'. Social Science Information, 48 (2). pp. 131 - 141. ISSN: 0539-0184

Journal article

Hajro, A. and Baier, R. (2009) 'The moderating effect of time on the micro-processes of cross-cultural interactions in multinational teams'.International Association of Cross-cultural Competence and Management (IACCM). Vienna. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Mordi, C. and Mmieh, F. (2009) 'Divided labour and divided in – firm markets in the Nigerian petroleum'.International Academy of African Business Development. Kampala, Uganda. 19 - 19 May.

Conference paper

Hulsheger, UR., Anderson, N. and Salgado, JF. (2009) 'Selecting for innovation: What is good for overall job performance is not necessarily good for innovation potential'.the European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. Santiago de Compostella. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Simpson, R. and Ituma, A. (2009) 'Transformation and feminisation: The masculinity of the MBA and the "un-development" of men'. Journal of Management Development, 28 (4). pp. 301 - 316. ISSN: 0262-1711

Journal article

Hulsheger, UR., Anderson, N. and Salgado, JF. (2009) 'Leadership and innovation: A comprehensive meta-analysis'.the Society for Industrial – Organizational Psychology Conference. New Orleans. [unpublished]

Conference paper

Hajro, A. (2009) 'Contextual influences on multinational teams: Empirical evidence from an Austrian company'. European Journal of International Management, 3 (1). pp. 111 - 129. ISSN: 1751-6757

Journal article

Simpson, R. and Ituma, A. (2009) 'Transformation and feminization: The masculinity of the MBA and the "un-development" of men'. Journal of Management Development, 28 (4). pp. 301 - 316. ISSN: 0262-1711 Open Access Link

Journal article

Pullen, A. and Simpson, R. (2009) 'Managing difference in feminized work: Men otherness and social practice'. Human Relations, 62 (4). pp. 561 - 587. ISSN: 0018-7267 Open Access Link

Journal article

Simpson, R. (2009) 'Men in Caring Occupations: Doing Gender Differently'. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 10: 0230574068 ISSN 13: 978-0230574069


Hajro, A. (2009) 'Corporate culture: what do we know and where do we go from here?'. European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, 1 (1). pp. 34 - 41. ISSN: 1758-1508

Journal article

Hulsheger, U. and Anderson, N. (2009) 'Team-level predictors of innovation at work: a comprehensive meta-analysis spanning three decades of research'. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94 (5). pp. 1128 - 1145. ISSN: 0021-9010

Journal article

Ituma, A. and Simpson, R. (2009) 'The 'boundaryless' career and career boundaries: applying an institutionalist perspective to ICT workers in the context of Nigeria'. Human Relations, 62 (5). pp. 727 - 761. ISSN: 0018-7267

Journal article

Burch, G. and Anderson, N. (2009) 'Personality at work', in Corr, PJ. and Matthews, G. (eds.) The Cambridge handbook of personality psychology. Cambridge Univ Press. pp. 748 - 763. ISBN 10: 0521862183. ISBN 13: 9780521862189.

Book chapter

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