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Chong, TP. and Zhong, S. (2005) 'On the three dimensional structure of turbulent spots'. ASME Transactions: Journal of Turbomachinery, 127. pp. 545 - 551.

Journal article

Zong, WJ., Li, D., Wang, HX., Sun, T., Cheng, K. and Chen, MJ. (2005) 'Time series analysis for the mechanical lapping of single crystal diamond cutting tools'. Key Engineering Materials, 291-292. pp. 331 - 336. ISSN: 1013-9826

Journal article

Falticeanu, LC., Chang, ITH., Falticeanu, CT. and Ciortan, S. (2005) 'New methods for assessing the frictional properties in a mass of consolidated powders'. Tribology in Industry, 27 (1-2). pp. 17 - 21. ISSN: 0354-8996

Journal article

Kim, JS., Jiang, K., Chang, I. and Falticeanu, CL. (2005) 'Micro-moulding of Al alloy powder mixture containing ultrafine AL and nano-sized Cu particles'. Euro PM 2005: Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition. pp. 399 - 404.

Conference paper

Kim, JS., Chang, I., Jiang, K. and Falticeanu, CL. (2005) 'Sintering of loosely packed powder mixture of ultrafine aluminium and nanopowder of Cu and Sn'. Euro PM 2005: Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition. pp. 219 - 224.

Conference paper

Zong, WJ., Li, D., Wang, HX., Sun, T., Cheng, K. and Chen, MJ. (2005) 'Time series analysis for the mechanical lapping of single crystal diamond cutting tools'. Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.. pp. 331 - 336. ISSN: 1013-9826

Conference paper

Cheng, H., Wang, Y., Feng, Z. and Cheng, K. (2005) 'Surface roughness and removal rate in magnetorheological finishing of a subsurface damage free surface'. Progress in Natural Science, 15 (6). pp. 538 - 544. ISSN: 1002-0071

Journal article

Mohd Hussin, Z., Cheng, K., Crispin, A. and Ward, R. (2005) 'On-line measurement of workpiece surface topography and texture by using laser scattering'. Laser Metrology and Machine Performance VII - 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Laser Metrology, Machine Tool, CMM and Robotic Performance, LAMDAMAP 2005. pp. 574 - 583.

Conference paper

Sun, X., Chen, S. and Cheng, K. (2005) 'An analytic design and calculation method for the aerostatic slideways'. Laser Metrology and Machine Performance VII - 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Laser Metrology, Machine Tool, CMM and Robotic Performance, LAMDAMAP 2005. pp. 344 - 353.

Conference paper

Lu, B. and Cheng, K. (2005) 'RFID technology for manufacturing: Application perspectives'. Laser Metrology and Machine Performance VII - 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Laser Metrology, Machine Tool, CMM and Robotic Performance, LAMDAMAP 2005. pp. 442 - 453.

Conference paper

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Journal article

Das, A. and Fan, ZY. (2005) 'Semi-solid processing of metallic alloys', inThe Deformation and Processing of Structural Materials: A Volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering. pp. 252 - 283.

Book chapter

Daneshvar, S. and Ghassemian, H. (2005) 'A hybrid algorithm for medical image registration'.2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference. Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA. 1 - 18 January. IEEE. pp. 3272 - 3275. ISSN: 0589-1019

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Kazilas, MC., Skordos, AA. and Partridge, IK. (2005) 'Parameter estimation in equivalent circuit analysis of dielectric cure monitoring signals using genetic algorithms'. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 13 (2). pp. 157 - 176. ISSN: 1741-5977

Journal article

Dowlen, C. and Atherton, M. (2005) 'What is Design?', in Collins, MW., Atherton, MA. and Bryant, JA. (eds.) Nature and Design. Southampton : WIT Press. , 1. pp. 1 - 15. ISBN 10: 185312852X.

Book chapter

Vignjevic, R., Lepage, S. and De Vuyst, T. (2005) 'Simulation of high velocity impacts on thin metallic targets II (Discrete elements)'.International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures. Florianopolis, BRAZIL. 1 - 12 May. WIT PRESS. pp. 575 - 582. ISSN: 1746-4471

Conference paper

Vignjevic, R., Lepage, S. and De Vuyst, T. (2005) 'Simulation of high velocity impacts on thin metallic targets I (Element erosion)'.International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures. Florianopolis, BRAZIL. 1 - 12 May. WIT PRESS. pp. 563 - 574. ISSN: 1746-4471

Conference paper

Vignjevic, R., Lepage, S. and De Vuyst, T. (2005) 'Simulation of high velocity iipacts on thin metallic targets III (SPH)'.International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures. Florianopolis, BRAZIL. 1 - 12 May. WIT PRESS. pp. 583 - 594. ISSN: 1746-4471

Conference paper

Cheng, K. (2004) 'Internet-based e-manufacturing: Fundamentals and application perspectives'. Proceedings of the Eighth IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications. pp. 25 - 29.

Conference paper

Shaw, S. and Whiteman, JR. (2004) 'A posteriori error estimates for space–time finite element approximation of quasistatic hereditary linear viscoelasticity problems'. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 193 (52). pp. 5551 - 5572. ISSN: 0045-7825

Journal article

Attema, JJ., Fang, CM., Chioncel, L., De Wijs, GA., Lichtenstein, AI. and De Groot, RA. (2004) 'Defects in half-metals and finite temperature'. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 16 (48). pp. S5517 - S5524. ISSN: 0953-8984

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Campbell, AM., Loram, JW., Hari-Babu, N., Cooper, JR. and Cardwell, DA. (2004) 'Reversible magnetization of a strong-pinning superconductor'. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 70 (21). pp. 1 - 6. ISSN: 1098-0121

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Zmorayová, K., Šefčíková, M., Diko, P., Babu, NH. and Cardwell, DA. (2004) 'New pinning centres in YBCO bulk supreconductors with depleted uranium addition'. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 (SUPPL. 4). pp. 469 - 472. ISSN: 0011-4626

Journal article

Sefcikova, M., Zmorayová, K., Diko, P., Babu, NH. and Cardwell, DA. (2004) 'Nanosized pinning centers in YBCO bulk superconductors with complex alloying'. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 (SUPPL. 4). pp. 473 - 476. ISSN: 0011-4626

Journal article

Ji, S., Liu, G., Zhang, E. and Fan, Z. (2004) 'Development of the rheo-diecasting process for Mg- alloys and their components'. Limassol, Cyprus. 1 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, S2P 2004. pp. 285 - 290.

Conference paper

Pandit, H., Mishra, A., Babu, NH., He, P., Isfort, D., Chaud, X., et al. (2004) 'RF property characterization of single domain YBa 2Cu 3O x'. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. pp. 181 - 183. ISSN: 0272-9172

Conference paper

Bllau, K., Cheng, K., Whitbread, M. and Taylor, GE. (2004) 'Development of a web-based condition monitoring and control system for CNC milling processes'. Advances in e-Engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology - I. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on e-Engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology. pp. 391 - 400.

Conference paper

Alfano, G., De Barros, S., Champaney, L. and Valoroso, N. (2004) 'Comparison between two cohesive-zone models for the analysis of interface debonding'. ECCOMAS 2004 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering.

Conference paper

Bateman, RJ. and Cheng, K. (2004) 'Internet-based, end-user design and e-manufacture'. Advances in e-Engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology - I. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on e-Engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology. pp. 15 - 23.

Conference paper

Li, L., Harrison, DK., Lynn, JS. and Cheng, K. (2004) 'Implementation perspectives of design re-use through global manufacturing'. Advances in e-Engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology - I. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on e-Engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology. pp. 73 - 81.

Conference paper

Cheng, K. and Webb, D. (2004) 'Advances in e-Engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology - I. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on issue data: 2004//: Preface'. Advances in e-Engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology - I. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on e-Engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology.

Conference paper

Luo, X., Liu, Y., Cheng, K. and Luo, X. (2004) 'A simulated investigation on the machining instability and dynamic surface generation'. Progress of Machining Technology - Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Progress of Machining Technology, ICPMT'2004. pp. 468 - 473.

Conference paper

Fan, Z., Ji, S. and Fang, X. (2004) 'Rheo-diecasting of aluminium alloys and components'. Limassol, Cyprus. 1 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, S2P 2004. pp. 111 - 120.

Conference paper

Li, YQ., Fang, CM., De With, G. and Hintzen, HT. (2004) 'Preparation, structure and photoluminescence properties of Eu 2+ and Ce 3+-doped SrYSi 4N 7'. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 177 (12). pp. 4687 - 4694. ISSN: 0022-4596

Journal article

Fang, CM., Hintzen, HT. and De With, G. (2004) 'High-pressure phases of MgSiN2 from first-principles calculations'. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 78 (5). pp. 717 - 719. ISSN: 0947-8396

Journal article

Alfano, G., Marfia, S. and Sacco, E. (2004) 'Influence of water pressure on crack propagation in concrete dams'. ECCOMAS 2004 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering.

Conference paper

Maischak, M. and Stephan, EP. (2004) 'Adaptive HP-versions of boundary element methods for elastic contact problems'. ECCOMAS 2004 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering.

Journal article

Stephan, EP., Maischak, M. and Leydecker, F. (2004) 'HP-adaptive boundary element method for electromagnetic problems'. ECCOMAS 2004 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering.

Journal article

Morar, SS. and Macredie, RD. (2004) 'Special issue on 'interacting with desktop virtual environments: Perception and navigation''. Virtual Reality, 7 (3-4). pp. 129 - 130. ISSN: 1359-4338

Journal article

Morar, SS. and Macredie, RD. (2004) 'Usability issues of desktop virtual environment applications'. Virtual Reality, 7 (3-4). pp. 175 - 176. ISSN: 1359-4338

Journal article

Mares, C., Mottershead, JE. and Friswell, MI. (2004) 'Stochastic model updating of a spot welded structure'. Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA. pp. 1885 - 1898.

Conference paper

Tehrani, MG., Wang, W., Mares, C. and Mottershead, JE. (2004) 'Vibration suppression using Vincent's circle'. Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA. pp. 603 - 610.

Conference paper

Zhao, X., Collins, MW., Karayiannis, TG. and Atherton, MA. (2004) 'An iterative coupling approach for combined fluid and structure analysis'.22nd CAD-FEM Users’ Meeting 2004 International Congress on FEM Technology with ANSYS, CFX & ICEM CFD Conference. Dresden, Germany. 10 - 12 November. CAD-FEM Users’ Meeting 2004 International Congress on FEM Technology with ANSYS, CFX & ICEM CFD Conference.

Conference paper

Suyitno., Savran, VI., Katgerman, L. and Eskin, DG. (2004) 'Effects of alloy composition and casting speed on structure formation and hot tearing during direct-chill casting of Al-Cu alloys'. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 35 (11). pp. 3551 - 3561. ISSN: 1073-5623

Journal article

Kalganova, T., Lipnitskaya, N. and Yatskevich, Y. (2004) 'Evolving PLA structures using evolutionary strategy with dynamic mutation rate'. Nottingham, United Kingdom. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Soft Computing. pp. 466 - 471.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Eskin, DG., Zuidema, J., Savran, VI. and Katgerman, L. (2004) 'Structure formation and macrosegregation under different process conditions during DC casting'. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 384 (1-2). pp. 232 - 244. ISSN: 0921-5093

Journal article

Duby, S., Ramsey, B., Harrison, D. and Hay, G. (2004) 'Printed thermocouple devices'.IEEE Sensors 2004 Conference. Vienna, Austria. 24 - 27 October. IEEE. pp. 1098 - 1101. ISSN: 1930-0395 Open Access Link

Conference paper

Giacomin, J., Abdullah, S. and Yates, JR. (2004) 'A mission synthesis algorithm for editing variable amplitude fatigue signals'.7th International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment (ESIA7). Manchester, UK. 20 - 21 October. EMAS Publishing.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Cizek, P., McKay, BJ. and Lozano-Perez, S. (2004) 'Investigation of the interfaces between boride particles and aluminium in the as-received and re-melted Ti-B-Al grain refiner master alloy'.Institute-of-Physics-Electron-Microscopy and Analysis-Group Conference (EMAG 2003). Univ Oxford, Examinat Sch, Oxford, ENGLAND. 19 - 5 September. IOP PUBLISHING LTD. pp. 429 - 432. ISSN: 0951-3248

Conference paper

El Mubarek, HAW., Bonar, JM., Dilliway, GD., Ashburn, P., Karunaratne, M., Willoughby, AF., et al. (2004) 'Effect of fluorine implantation dose on boron thermal diffusion in silicon'. Journal of Applied Physics, 96 (8). pp. 4114 - 4121. ISSN: 0021-8979

Journal article

Giacomin, J. (2004) 'Apparent mass of small children: Experimental measurements'. Ergomomics, 47 (13). pp. 1454 - 1474. ISSN: 0014-0139 Open Access Link

Journal article

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