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Journal article

Koster, RS., Fang, C., Van Blaaderen, A., Dijkstra, M. and Van Huis, MA. (2016) 'Acetate ligands determine the crystal structure of CdSe nanoplatelets-a density functional theory study'. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (32). pp. 22021 - 22024. ISSN: 1463-9076 Open Access Link

Journal article

Wang, B., Yao, R., Paradoska, A. and Eren, E. (2016) 'Residual stress state of X65 pipeline girth welds before and after local and furnace post weld heat treatment'.ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Vancouver. 17 - 21 July. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ISSN: 0277-027X

Conference paper

Bourge, R., Moore, P. and Wang, B. (2016) 'The effect of crack shape idealisation on Leak-Before-Break assessment'.ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Vancouver. 17 - 21 July. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ISSN: 0277-027X

Conference paper

Bourge, R., Moore, P., Wang, B. and Janin, YJ. (2016) 'Comparison of BS 7910 and API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 solutions with regards to leak-before-break'.ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Vancouver. 17 - 21 July. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ISSN: 0277-027X Open Access Link

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Sun, K., Zhou, X., Gong, C., Ding, Y. and Lu, L. (2016) 'Influence of paste thickness on coated aggregates on properties of high-density sulphoaluminate cement concrete'. Construction and Building Materials, 115 (2016). pp. 125 - 131. ISSN: 0950-0618 Open Access Link

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Fang, CM., van Blaaderen, A. and van Huis, MA. (2016) 'Stability and geometry of silica nano-ribbons (SNRs): a first-principles study'. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (31). pp. 21825 - 21832. ISSN: 1463-9084 Open Access Link

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Wang, F., Eskin, D., Mi, J., Connolley, T., Lindsay, J. and Mounib, M. (2016) 'A refining mechanism of primary Al3Ti intermetallic particles by ultrasonic treatment in the liquid state'. Acta Materialia, 116. pp. 354 - 363. ISSN: 1359-6454 Open Access Link

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Malo, S., Livadas, M., Selcuk, C., Gan, T-H. and Mares, C. (2016) 'Wave Scattering Analysis in an ACSR Cable Using Piezoelectric Transducers'.8th European Workshop On Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2016). Bilbao, Spain. 5 - 8 July.

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Sejkati, E., Zhou, X., Shamass, R. and Mancini, G. (2016) 'Modelling Post-tensioned Precast Concrete Segmental Girder Bridges with Keyed Joints – Preliminary Results'.9th International Concrete Conference 2016: Environment, Efficiency and Economic Challenges for Concrete. Dundee, Scotland. 4 - 6 July. Proceedings of the 9th International Concrete Conference 2016: Environment, Efficiency and Economic Challenges for Concrete.Open Access Link

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Qu, Z., Chong, AYB., Chacon, JLF., Kappatos, V., Selcuk, C. and Gan, TH. (2016) 'Study on the Laser-Based Weld Surface Flaw Identification System Employing Wavelet Analysis Methodology'. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 27 (3). pp. 137 - 154. ISSN: 0934-9847

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Lau, ET., Yang, Q., Taylor, GA., Forbes, AB., Wright, PS. and Livina, VN. (2016) 'Optimisation of costs and carbon savings in relation to the economic dispatch problem as associated with power system operation'. ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH, 140. pp. 173 - 183. ISSN: 0378-7796 Open Access Link

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Dong, W., Wu, Z. and Zhou, X. (2016) 'Fracture Mechanisms of Rock-Concrete Interface: Experimental and Numerical'. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 142 (7). ISSN: 0733-9399 Open Access Link

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Book chapter

Xu, WW., Tzanakis, I., Srirangam, P., Mirihanage, WU., Eskin, DG., Bodey, AJ. and et al. (2016) 'Synchrotron quantification of ultrasound cavitation and bubble dynamics in Al-10Cu melts'. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 31. pp. 355 - 361. ISSN: 1350-4177 Open Access Link

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Gao, S., Cheng, K., Ding, H. and Fu, H. (2016) 'Multiphysics-based design and analysis of the high-speed aerostatic spindle with application to micro-milling'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 230 (7). pp. 852 - 871. ISSN: 1350-6501

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Cui, Q., Cheng, K., Ding, H. and Chen, S. (2016) 'Design of the virtual machine system for high precision centerless grinding and its implementation perspectives'. ASME 2016 11th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC 2016.

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Wang, C., Cheng, K. and Rakowski, R. (2016) 'DEVELOPMENT OF SMART TOOLING CONCEPTS APPLIED TO ULTRA-PRECISION AND HIGH SPEED MACHINING'.11th ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC 2016). Blacksburg, VA. 27 - 1 July. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

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Tzanakis, I., Lebon, GSB., Eskin, DG. and Pericleous, KA. (2016) 'Characterizing the cavitation development and acoustic spectrum in various liquids'. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 34. pp. 651 - 662. ISSN: 1350-4177 Open Access Link

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Campbell, JC., Hughes, K., Vignjevic, R., Djordjevic, N. and De Vuyst, T. (2016) 'Continuum damage mechanics in SPH based on particle interaction area'.MAFELAP 2016. Open Access Link

Conference paper

Vignjevic, R., Djordjevic, N., De Vuyst, T., Campbell, JC. and Hughes, K. (2016) 'SPH as a Nonlocal Regularisation Method for Instabilities due to Strain-Softening'.MAFELAP 2016. Open Access Link

Conference paper

Vignjevic, R., Campbell, J., De Vuyst, T., Campbell, J., Djordjevic, N. and Hughes, K. (2016) 'Some Aspects of Modelling High Velocity Impact on CFRP'.MAFELAP (Zienkiewich Plenary). Brunel University London.

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De Vuyst, T., Campbell, JC., Vignjevic, R., Djordjevic, N. and Hughes, K. (2016) 'Smoothed particle hydrodynamics modelling of dynamic fracture and fragmentation problems'.MAFELAP 2016. Open Access Link

Conference paper

Djordjevic, N., Vignjevic, R., De Vuyst, T., Campbell, JC. and Hughes, K. (2016) 'Modelling of bird strike on the engine fan blades using FE-SPH'.MAFELAP 2016. Open Access Link

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Ji, S. and Fan, Z. (2016) 'A Casting Al-Mg-Zn-Si Based Aluminium Alloy for Improved Mechanical Performance'.


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Abdallah, S., Fan, M. and Zhou, X. (2016) 'Towards the Bond between Steel Fibres and Self-compacting Mortar'.9th RILEM International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete (BEFIB 2016). Vancouver, Canada.

Conference paper

Hughes, K., Campbell, J., De Vuyst, T., Vignjevic, R. and Djordjevic, N. (2016) 'Modelling Transient Fluid Loading on Flexible Structures'.The Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications 2016 (MAFELAP). Brunel University London.Open Access Link

Conference paper

Winful, DA., Cashell, KA., Barnes, AM. and Pargeter, RJ. (2016) 'Behaviour of High Strength Steel under Fire Conditions'.9th International Conference on Structures in Fire (SiF). Princeton Univ, Princeton, NJ. 10 - 10 June. DESTECH PUBLICATIONS, INC. pp. 624 - 631.Open Access Link

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Journal article

Wang, Q., Callisti, M., Miranda, A., McKay, B., Deligkiozi, I., Kosanovic Milickovic, T., et al. (2016) 'Evolution of structural, mechanical and tribological properties of Ni-P/MWCNT coatings as a function of annealing temperature'. Surface and Coatings Technology, 302. pp. 195 - 201. ISSN: 0257-8972 Open Access Link

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Hadid, W., Mansouri, SA. and Gallear, D. (2016) 'Is lean service promising? A socio-technical perspective'. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 36 (6). pp. 618 - 642. ISSN: 0144-3577 Open Access Link

Journal article

Xia, Y., Liu, J., Feng, C., Liu, X., Wu, C. and Huang, Z. (2016) 'Optimal scheduling model of virtual power plant considering demand response'. Dianwang Jishu/Power System Technology, 40 (6). pp. 1666 - 1674. ISSN: 1000-3673

Journal article

Liu, J., Cheng, K., Ding, H., Chen, S. and Zhao, L. (2016) 'An Investigation of Surface Defect Formation in Micro Milling the 45% SiCp/Al Composite'. Elsevier BV. pp. 211 - 214. ISSN: 2212-8271 Open Access Link

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